We would like to inform you about some changes to the Local Authority funded Supporting People contracts. These contracts are for the delivery of housing related support in Telford & Wrekin. To meet the requirements under procurement regulations a tender exercise has been undertaken for the ongoing delivery of a floating support service.
Current contracts with the Thrive Partnership (Stay, KiP and YMCA) for the delivery of floating support, and Wrekin Housing Group (WHG) for the delivery of support into sheltered housing will end on 1 December 2024. The Local Authority would like to take this opportunity to thank these organisations for their dedication and support to deliver this service over many years.
The newly awarded contract provider Trident Reach, who were successful in the recent tender exercise will commence delivery of new contracts on 2 December 2024 and will deliver the service for the next 3 years.
The new floating support services contract will deliver housing related support across all tenures and ages to residents of Telford & Wrekin requiring support to remain living independently and in suitable accommodation.
The floating support service is designed to help individuals establish and sustain independent living, stay in accommodation, and avoid crises such as homelessness. These services will be preventative in nature, aiming to promote healthy and fulfilling lives while reducing the need for Adult Social Care and Health services. Our services will not only provide immediate support to individuals but also play a role in preventing homelessness and reducing early or unnecessary access to Adult Social Care Services.
Trident Group has over 62 years of experience providing high quality housing and care and support to thousands of people across the Midlands. The care and support branch of Trident, provides services for people affected by mental health issues, homelessness, and domestic abuse. Trident is focused on providing people centred care.
For any new referrals into the service If you are seeking support from the Telford and Wrekin Floating Support Service, referrals can be made via email at telfordfloatingsupport@tridentgroup.org.uk or through our website at www.tridentreach.org.uk
The contact number for further enquiries is 0121 226 5837. Referrals can be initiated by individuals themselves or by organisations such as local authorities, GPs, or voluntary groups.
Each referral will be assessed to develop a personalised support plan based on individual needs.
To be eligible for the service, individuals must be aged 16 years or older, reside in or have a connection to the Telford and Wrekin area, and be at risk of homelessness or in need of housing-related support. Priority will be given to referrals made into the service by the Local Authority.
The service primarily aims to support people in maintaining their housing independence, managing finances, and addressing risks of homelessness. However, individuals in supported housing or those with health or social care needs unrelated to housing may not be eligible.
Working together to provide the best possible support to individuals, families and communities in Telford and Wrekin with the aim of establishing and maintaining independence, maximising choice and control and, overall health and emotional well-being.
Our partnership shares the belief that with the right support and guidance, everyone has the potential to 'Thrive'.
Please use these details to get in contact with a member of the team.
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